Kielce, 9 February 1949. Marian Poniewierka from the Citizens’ Militia Station in Kielce, with the participation of court reporter Stefan Młodawski, interviewed the person named below as a witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the wording of Article 140 of the Penal Code, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Wiktor Tomiczek
Parents’ names Jan and Ewa
Age 50 years old
Place of birth Rudzica, Bielsko district
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Occupation office worker
Place of residence Kielce, Zagnańska Street 42
F rom 1941 to 1944 I worked as an office worker in the "Henryków" factory. I was an

eye-witness so I know that on the order of the Gestapo, the Jews from the camp on the "Henryków" factory premises carried out executions by hanging – once of three Jews and the second time, of one. I don’t know the surnames of the hanged Jews. The order to carry out the execution was given by the Gestapo commissioner Esik.

The Germans, in turn, shot those Jews who attempted escape from "Henryków" camp, but I don’t know how many Jews were thus executed.

I would like to add that in September 1943, on the order of the German gendarmerie commissioner Gazer, ten Poles who had been brought from the prison were executed by hanging on the premises of the "Henryków" factory. The hanged Poles remained hanging for the whole day.

I have nothing more to add.

At this point the report was concluded, read out and signed.