In Dębno on this day, 17 November 1947, at 12.30 p.m., I, Stanisław Tomczyk from the Citizens’ Militia Station in Słupia Nowa, acting on the basis of the following: Article 20 of the provisions introducing the Code of Criminal Procedure and Article 257 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, due to the unavailability of a judge in the township, in consequence whereof any delay could result in the disappearance of traces or evidence of a crime, which traces or evidence would cease to exist before the arrival of a judge, observing the formal requirements set forward in Articles 235–240, 258 and 259 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, with the participation of reporter Kazimierz Jagiełło from the Citizens’ Militia Station in Słupia Nowa, district of Kielce, whom I informed of his obligation to attest to the conformity of the report with the actual course of the procedure by his own signature, have heard the person named below as a witness. The witness, having been advised of the importance of the oath, swore the requisite oath, and was also notified of the right to refuse testimony for the reasons set forward in Article 104 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and of the criminal liability for making false declarations, this pursuant to the provisions of Article 140 of the Penal Code, thereupon stating:

Name and surname Tadeusz Chojnacki
Parents’ names Kazimierz and Józefa
Date and place of birth 8 July 1918, Grzegorzowice, commune of Grzegorzowice, district of Opatów
Religion Roman Catholic
Occupation white-collar worker
Place of residence Rudki – the “Staszic” coal mine, commune of Mniów, district of Kielce
Relationship to the parties none
As regards the present case, I am aware of the following facts: This occurred in 1943, but I do

not remember the exact date. They were captured by Germans stationed at the post set up at the “Staszic” coal mine. They perished because of Trybulski, a driver who worked at the “Staszic” coal mine during the occupation, and who was killed by partisans for his anti-Polish activities. The murder of people of Jewish ethnicity was committed by Germans garrisoned at the post – there were some fifteen of them in all, but I cannot give a detailed physical description of any of them.

The Germans killed three Jews. They shot them close to the pit shaft, and some of them, only lightly wounded, fell down the shaft, which was approximately twenty meters deep, while at the bottom it was filled with water some five meters deep. That is where they disposed of the murdered Jews. The Jews who were killed by the Germans were aged between thirty and forty, more or less; one was slim, short and swarthy, with dark blond hair, while another was tall – I do not remember any more details of his physical appearance. The third I cannot describe at all. These people, of Jewish ethnicity, were murdered in the course of one day, in the afternoon, between 3.00 p.m. and 4.00 p.m.

I have testified all the facts known to myself. The report was read out and signed.