Wólka – Ukazowa, 18 November [19]46

Informally examined as a potential witness:

Name and surname Józef Majdak
Parents’ names Antoni and Karolina, née Misak
Age 47 years old
Religion Roman Catholic
Occupation farmer

I hereby declare as follows: in the month of January 1944, during the German occupation, some Germans arrived at our settlement, that is Wólka Ukazowa, and took a young man whom I knew very well – Jan Dzik, 26 years old, resident in Wólka Ukazowa, commune of Brzeźnica, district of Kozienice. They killed him right behind my barn, and he was buried there too. Only in 1945, following the liberation of the Polish lands by the Red Army, was his body transferred to the parish cemetery of Kozienice.

I confirm the veracity of the above testimony, this concerning the death of Jan Dzik, with my own handwritten signature.