On 4 September 1947 in Chorzów, the Municipal Court in Chorzów, Fifth Branch, with Municipal Judge J. Goettlich presiding and with the participation of a reporter, Trainee Judge B. Wartak, interviewed the person specified below as an unsworn witness, who testified as follows:

Name and surname Adolf Maciejowski
Age 9 February 1910
Parents’ names Wilhelm and Franciszka, née Wadowska
Place of residence Chorzów, Chrobrego Street 19
Occupation restaurant owner
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Criminal record none
Relationship to the parties none

I was a political prisoner at Auschwitz from 1940 until the end of the occupation. Over that course of time I was assigned to work as a bookkeeper at the food warehouse. When I worked there, suspect Hans Schumacher, SS-Rottenführer, was given the post of the assistant to the head of the warehouse in March 1943. I encountered him every day and he sometimes talked to me about himself and his children. This is how I found out that he was a member of the Nazi party and the SS since as early as 1932. As such, he participated in the invasion of Poland during the outbreak of the war, when he got wounded. He stayed in Silesia – in Chorzów and Katowice. For his services to Germany, he was assigned to work at Auschwitz as an ordinary overseer. Since on this post he abused prisoners – I heard about it and saw it with my own eyes – he was given the post of the assistant to the head of the food warehouse mentioned above. That’s when I got to know him closer. He tormented prisoners even more at that time. He used elaborate tortures, and even had a special room with various tools, such as pots and basins. Prisoners were tortured there in some terrible manner, because their screams could be heard in the entire camp. The prisoners who left the room hardly showed any signs of life – some died shortly afterwards. Besides that, whenever Schumacher wasn’t pleased with something or when a prisoner caught his eye, he beat them with whatever was within reach: an axe, hammer, piece of steel, whip, or any other object. He brutally beat prisoners and once they fainted and collapsed, he kicked them as well. Even the SS men who witnessed these tortures were shocked and said that he was a sadist.

I distinctly remember one incident. At some point in May 1944 – when Hamburg, Schumacher’s most recent place of residence, was being bombed – Schumacher assembled the whole kommando that worked at the warehouse and ordered them to pointlessly move sacks with flour on a Sunday. There were about 2,000 sacks there, and Schumacher abused prisoners during this work by selecting people he disliked and taking them individually to the said room. On that day, 28 prisoners were beaten horribly. They were half dead and several of them died shortly afterwards.

The following people can provide more information about his conduct: Mieczysław Kotlarski, residing in Chorzów, Stalmacha Street 9, Marian Rubach, residing at Powstańców Street, a beer warehouse, and Kazimierz Skassa from Grójec near Warszawa, Stalina Square 18. Schumacher had no influence over food distributed to prisoners. I don’t remember any specific victims, perhaps the above-mentioned witness Kazimierz Skassa. I do not know the names for the simple reason that I couldn’t just leave the administrative office and ask about the name of a given prisoner who had been beaten. Besides that, I do not recall anything else that I could testify to. The photograph I was presented with features the same suspect about whom I testified above.

The report was read out and signed.