On 30 September 1947 in Tarnów, Dr J. Piec, an Investigative Judge at the District Court in Tarnów, with the participation of a reporter, A. Kucharczyk, interviewed the person mentioned hereunder as a witness, without taking an oath. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the provisions of Article 107 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Edward Wrona
Age 35 years old
Parents’ names Wiktor and Józefa
Place of residence Tarnów, Starowolskiego Street 17
Occupation an office worker at OZT
Religion Roman Catholic
Criminal record none

My testimony fully coincides with that of Roman Zieliński, whose deposition has been read out to me, however I would like to add that I was an eyewitness to when the accused Grabner, while driving into the camp on a motorcycle, dressed in civilian clothes, being drunk, grabbed prisoners who had failed to bow to him as a [German] civilian, and beat and otherwise maltreated them, and also wrote down their numbers, whereas – as I later learned – the surnames of the said prisoners were read out at morning roll call, and they were led to the "wall of death" to be executed. He was one of the main perpetrators of the ruthless maltreatment of Poles, even women and children. He was the organizer of the transport of men and pregnant women from Sosnowiec to block no. 2, where they were kept under such strict guard for two weeks that they were even not allowed to go and relieve themselves. The said transport was interrogated by Grabner. In the course of this interrogation the arrestees were subjected to such severe torture that some even had to be carried off on stretchers. In addition, they were ordered to sing Polish patriotic songs, and were thereafter beaten for doing so.

Grabner was the main perpetrator of shooting executions of officers and non-commissioned officers on Polish national holidays, and a driving force behind the introduction of a gas chamber to block no. 11. One of the prisoners [illegible], who was from Silesia, currently deceased, was charged with possessing weapons and interrogated by Grabner with such bestiality that he had his fingernails removed from the fingers of both hands. Tattoos were made on his face with a red-hot wire and [illegible] fingertips.

Apart from the abovementioned accused, I also know Ludwig Plagge, the Blockführer [block leader] of block no. 11. He was one of the leading and most ruthless enemies of Poles; he conducted searches, and I also know that he shot dead a female prisoner while she was working, acting on his own initiative. He was one of the first Blockführers who subjected the first transport of prisoners to arrive in Auschwitz to terrible maltreatment.

More facts about the accused are known to my brother, who was with the first transport sent to Auschwitz, Ludwik Wrona, resident in Jelenia Góra (the Power Engineering Union).

The report was read out and signed.