Warsaw, 14 April 1948. Member of the District Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes, Judge Halina Wereńko, interviewed the person specified below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Dominik Drzewososki
Names of parents Filip and Leokadia née Inorska
Date of birth 15 July 1885, in Brzezinki village, Kutno district
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Education technician
Occupation does not work, war invalid with a 74% health loss
Place of residence Warsaw, Kazimierzowska Street 70, flat 3

On 2 August, at 6.00 a.m., a unit of soldiers stationed in the Stauferkaserne stormed into the house on Sandomierska Street 25, where I was by accident, and led the group of civilians staying in that house to the Stauferkaserne on Rakowiecka Street. In the barrack courtyard documents were checked and we were segregated into several groups, but I didn’t figure out what was the basis of the segregation. I didn’t work during the German occupation, I was in the group of people who were not employed in public institutions and power-station workers (who the soldiers said had helped the “bandits”). I was led together with around 200 men to a room on the second floor in the wing of the barracks building from the side of św. Andrzeja Boboli Street. During the first two days, Jan Wierzbicki, knowing the German language well, being from Poznań, currently employed in the Polish Red Cross in Poznań, was our interpreter.

On 3 August, before evening, a non-commissioned officer of the SS (I don’t know his name) came to our room and announced that in retaliation for insurgents going into the German hospital and beating the sick, around 30 Poles among those arrested in the Stauferkaserne would be taken for execution. He did not say in which hospital the insurgents had beaten the sick. Wierzbicki had to interpret all this for us, and the officer even told him to choose 30 men from among us. Wierzbicki refused, so the officer chose himself. I didn’t notice how many men he chose from our room. I saw the group leaving and saw that there was a young, orthodox priest there. None of those led out came back to us.

After two or three days of stay (I don’t remember the date exactly), a few SS men came to our room and chose a group of at least ten men. None of those led out came back to us. I stayed in the barracks for about two weeks. A few days before being released, the SS men had chosen and led out a group of men from our room. There were at least ten of them and none of them came back.

I don’t know the surnames of those led out. I don’t know the surnames of the SS men who chose the men.

As I heard, the men from our room were used for work in digging trenches, dismantling barricades, loading movable goods looted from the neighboring houses into trucks and other works in the barracks area.

Patz was the commander of the German unit in the Stauferkaserne.

At this the report was concluded and read out.