Wawrzyniec Szmytko
Class 7
Wisznice, 19 June 1946

My most important wartime experience

When I got up in the morning, I saw that there were many Germans around our house, with a lot of cars and tanks standing nearby. We soon saw the fire in Wisznice and rushed to get everything out. We had a shelter ready, so when we got everything done at home, we went there. We didn’t sit in the shelter long, because projectiles started falling nearby and we decided to run into the woods. The forest was calm.

In the evening the Soviet tanks drove up. We went to our neighbor and I went with my brother to greet the Soviets. In the evening we were eating dinner, when suddenly the Germans started firing and we all fell to the ground, scared. They kept firing for half an hour. We all went out and crawled into the shelter, where we spent the night. On Sunday morning, there were many Soviets around. The road to Wisznice was packed with troops, and Wisznice was overrun.