On 28 February 1947 in Suchedniów, the investigating judge from the District Court in Kielce, Ludwik Jankowski, with the participation of reporter Halina Hess, interviewed the person named below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the wording of Art. 107 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Anna Żołądek
Date of birth 7 November 1915
Names of parents Antoni and Rozalia née Wikło
Place of residence Michniów, Suchedniów municipality, Kielce county
Occupation housewife
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Criminal record none
Relationship to the parties none

On 12 July 1943, in the village of Michniów, Suchedniów municipality, after I went out to the field, I saw German gendarmes who were stopping men and lining them up in several rows. I witnessed how a German shot one of these men with his revolver; the remianing men were brought to the barns, which the Germans then set on fire. I heard shooting and screams. On that day the Germans burned the farmsteads of Józef Wątrobiński, Walenty Dulęba, Antoni Grabiński and Wawrzyniec Gil. When the Germans had left, I didn’t go to see the burned houses and the murdered people. I don’t know how many people were burned.

On the following day the Germans returned to Michniów and opened fire upon the village from the direction of the fields. I saw one German catch little children in the meadows and throw them into a burning house. On that day the Germans systematically set fire to houses and farm buildings situated at the other end of the village, murdering all the residents they caught – including women, children and the elderly – and robbing all property, especially of livestock.

I was ordered to take a cow and drive it away, so I didn’t witness the further liquidation of the village and its residents. When I returned, I saw that the village had been burned to the ground and the majority of its residents murdered. Only those people who managed to flee and hide in the forest survived. I don’t know how many people died during these two days, but on the first day the Germans murdered mostly younger men.

This is all I have to say. The report was read out. I would like to add that I wouldn’t be able to recognize any of the gendarmes.