Warsaw, 26 November 1945. Examining Judge Alicja Germasz interviewed the person named below as a witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the significance of the oath, the witness was sworn and testified as follows:

Name and surname Stanisław Dybowski
Age 50 years
Parents’ names Antoni and Apolonia
Place of residence Warsaw, Marszałkowska Street 25
Occupation painter
Religion Roman Catholic
Criminal record none

I am the proprietor of a shop that sells paintings at Marszałkowska Street 21, and which is located in the immediate vicinity of Anc’s Pharmacy. During the Uprising, I was not present at the shop. I went there for the first time after Soviet forces had fought their way into Warsaw, at the beginning of February 1945. I saw the bodies of men (two or three) lying in the street in front of the pharmacy. To put it more precisely, they were human remains, partially dressed, for they had no heads, legs or arms which were lying around separately. In the cellar of the pharmacy from the side of Marszałkowska Street – while looking from street level – I saw the corpses of some 10 civilian men, partially dressed. Next, jumping further forward from Marszałkowska Street, I accessed the lower cellars in which I had hidden my paintings. I stepped over bodies and large quantities of human remains.

I cannot specify the exact number of corpses or their condition, for I tried not to look at them.

Three times during February 1945, officials from the Municipal Board dug up bodies from beneath the debris in the cellar. At the time, I saw a great many human remains – arms, legs, heads lying around separately, all of them blackened, as if they had been burnt and charred. These remains were buried in graves in Aleja Marszałka Piłsudskiego. At the time, and also later I was told by many people – whose surnames I cannot provide – that Anc’s Pharmacy was the scene of mass executions during the Uprising. Ukrainians would shoot people brought in from the street and neighboring houses at this location. Next, they would throw the victims – irrespective of whether they were alive or dead – into the burning pharmacy, or douse the bodies in petrol and set them on fire. I learned the above details from, among others, a young boy (whose surname I do not know) who was amongst 15 people shot in front of the pharmacy. He managed to survive, however, and hid himself in the house. Details concerning the above-mentioned murders may be provided by an eye-witness –whose surname I do not know –,but who currently lives at Marszałkowska Street 14. This witness spent the whole Uprising in the burnt-out building which housed Anc’s Pharmacy, as did Szejching, whose name I do not know (resident in Warsaw at Jaworzyńska Street 13, flat 11, the pharmacy).

The report was read out.

The witness additionally testified:

The bodies recovered from the premises of Anc’s Pharmacy by the Municipal Board in February 1945 were buried in four common graves in Aleja Piłsudskiego: they are currently being exhumed, but I do not know by whom.