Warsaw, 2 April 1949. A member of the Main Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, Norbert Szuman (MA), heard the person named below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Kazimierz Czesław Marczyński
Date and place of birth 15 August 1891, in Kalisz
Names of parents Władysław and Michalina, née Jankowska
Occupation of the father office worker
State affiliation and nationality Polish
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Education University of Warsaw, Faculty of Pharmacy
Occupation pharmacist
Place of residence Warsaw, Emilii Plater Street 35, flat 10
Criminal record none

When the Warsaw Uprising broke out, I was in town, at Rakowiecka Street. I took shelter in the house of Tschirschnitz at [the corner of] Rakowiecka and Sandomierska streets. It was relatively peaceful there for the first three days of the uprising. Only on 4 August 1944 (if I remember the date correctly) the Germans entered the premises of the house. I cannot tell what kind of unit these were.

When the Germans arrived, I was on the third or fourth floor of the house, or rather of the annex above the bakery, running parallel to the front house. I saw from the window that the Germans had spread out, yelling, into the two side annexes. I heard shooting from the staircases of these annexes, and I noticed that both the front and the side annexes of the house began to burn. The Germans did not come to our annex, but they opened fire on the windows.

Some time later, when the shooting and yelling ceased, we went to try and put out the fire at the request of the owner of the flat in which I was staying at the time. During that process, on the ground floor of a staircase in the front, I saw the body of a man – the owner of the grocery store located in our house. The bodies of two women burnt down in that store.

As our attempt at putting out the fire was unsuccessful, I took shelter in a soap store on the side of Sandomierska Street, together with some other residents from the burning house. In the afternoon of the same day, 4 August if I remember correctly, I was taken with other men (women were left alone) by a passing German patrol and put in the barracks on Rakowiecka Street, at the corner with Puławska Street. A group of men had already been gathered there, as they had been hauled in by the Germans from the entire area of the barracks. Still on the same day, we were made to stand in columns – some SS man counted us – and it was said that we were to be taken to aleja Szucha. Instead, we stayed in the barracks. There were some three hundred men in the barracks on the corner of Rakowiecka and Puławska streets, as aleja Szucha was reportedly full.

I recall the following surnames of men who had been in the barracks with me: Dr Mikułowski, pediatrician (currently domiciled in Kraków); Staff, professor of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences; Zawadzki, mathematician, professor of the University of Warsaw; father Bruno Pawelczyk, Jesuit (currently in Wrzeszcz).

I know for sure that the Germans did not execute anyone from our group. We were not forced to work. The barracks were under the command of some air officer, a veterinarian by profession, whose surname I don’t know. The German soldiers told us that we were safe as long as he was in charge of the place.

In the middle of August, the Germans led us from the barracks in the direction of the Western Railway Station. We went along Rakowiecka Street. On the way I managed to escape to Kazimierzowska Street and reached my pharmacy on the corner of Kazimierzowska (no. 65) and Narbutta streets. My pharmacy was already being used by a Polish Red Cross group led by Jan Wierzbicki. Apart from him, the following people worked in that group: Dr Władysław Tarkowski (currently residing in Płock), Jan Goebel (currently residing in Warsaw at Narbutta Street 48), Zwierz with his wife (they live in Warsaw in Służewiec; during the uprising, the wife was a paramedic with the Sisters of Immaculate Conception at Kazimierzowska Street 61 or 59), Alicja Wierzbicka, Zaśniak, and others. That group was busy with delivering aid to the civilian populace, fighting the epidemic, burying corpses, etc. It was operating under German permission. I stayed in the pharmacy on a permanent basis, but it was being run by Bolesław Białkowski, who had a medical store at Rakowiecka Street before the war.

My pharmacy was also open at prescribed times for the civilians who were still staying in the area (they were eventually displaced between 20 and 25 August).

On about 28 August 1944, I managed to leave Warsaw and got further than Tarczyn.

In response to the question asked, I would like to explain that I know of the following sanitary posts from the period of the uprising: in the convent of the Sisters of Immaculate Conception at Kazimierzowska Street, and in the house of the Warsaw Charitable Society (as far as I know) at Rakowiecka Street. Moreover, there was a hospital at Chocimska Street 4; among others, Dr Goerner worked there during the uprising.

I also know that the insurgent hospital activity in Mokotów was managed by Dr Jan Rutkiewicz, director of the Department of Healthcare in the Ministry of Health.

At this the report was concluded and read out.