Lucyna Kozłowska
Class 7
Public Elementary School in Radzyń
My wartime experiences
It was Sunday. It was drizzling since early morning, and the steady patter of rain was annoying. I had nothing to do, so I was reading an absorbing book in my bedroom.
Suddenly a gun went off, and I heard a muffled moan from the backyard. Without much deliberation, I looked out of the window and saw a terrible scene. There were gendarmes all over the yard, and in the dumpster there lay the body of a dead man, and a long streak of blood was seeping from his head and sides. I felt sorry at the sight of this horrible scene, and I looked at this man with compassion; he reminded me of my uncle − a priest who also died at the hands of the Nazis.
This is a depiction of the occupation in Warsaw.